Sunday, October 21, 2012


             Is science fiction true literature? In all honesty, I can not give a valid opinion on this topic because I have not read a science fiction story of my own choice before. I have only read what has been assigned in this class. Even though I do not know much about science fiction, I do think that it can not be discounted as literature.
             How can science fiction be discounted as literature, when there is no exact definiton of literature? Broadly defined literature is the written or spoken word. So, literature is what an audience wants it to be. Different audiences like different genres of litearture. An audience can like romance, history, mystery, etc. Now what makes these genres of literature different than science fiction? Not much from what I know, they all contain characters, settings, and plots. All thats different is the names, places, and how the plot is written. It seems that the genres all contain a similar design including science fiction. 

        Science fiction is a wierd genre to me but it does not make it anyless important as literature. When I think of science fiction, I think of The War of the Worlds by H.G.Wells with robots, future, and world destruction. With what little I know these ideas are what I generally assume science fiction is. The movie was good, so I can assume the novel was much better, so how can people who do not like the genre say its not real literature.
         The quote "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" seems to hold true here. Some people like science fiction and others do not. It is not up to some literary scholars to say that science fiction is not true literature because they do not like it. Everyone who reads literature has their preference and science fiction has people who prefer it. With people reading science fiction, I think that is what makes it literature.

1 comment:

  1. I feel what your saying. But I think its not necessarily that people dislike it but more that they credit objective literature as more crucial to every day life; like for school. I think that its more the subjective matter of the whole concept of science fiction. Maybe they feel like until aliens are attacking us that it wont matter? Whatever it be, I agree that it should be viewed more openly. People are always narrow minded. and always want to worry about bringing down what they don't understand.
