Sunday, October 21, 2012

Science Fiction in Literature

Science fiction introduces and discusses ideas, as any form of literature would do.  Behind the stories lies a deeper meaning, exploring events of the present as well as the past and future.  Science fiction is a form of literature, as literature is a written work representing a language or people.  The author’s background also contributes to the meaning of the text as we interpret his/her message through reading. All forms of literature are important because they affect us in different ways, speak to us, and they are universal.  Writer Robert Stevenson says, “The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean; not to affect your reader, but to affect him precisely as you wish.”
Ender's Game
Ender’s Game, published in 1985, is a science fiction novel written by Orson Scott Card.  In this novel, young talented children are taken to a training center in order to prepare for an invasion that is to occur again.  Ender Wiggin, the youngest child, is seen as a smart and strong leader and carries his team above and beyond.  While Ender wins all of his “games”, he doesn’t realize how much of an effect these games have on his real life, as he begins to confuse what is real and what is not.  While the novel takes place in the future, it shows how reliant we become on computers and how difficult it can be to distinguish between computer games and reality.  Politics is also included in the novel, as the children must find a way to outsmart the controlling and manipulative adults.  Ender represents good and innocence because he continues to keep his positive attitude and understands even his enemies.  With his kind ways and the sacrifices he makes, he brings on an optimistic attitude that is able to deliver the message of the story, that people must be forgiving and see the good in others.

I think that science fiction is true literature and it belongs entirely.  Science fiction holds content from various settings and ideas.  As we look into the text we can learn more about reality, although it isn’t always addressed directly.  It is just as literary as other types, such as romantic, political, comic, and detective literature.  This is true because just like the others, it is able to express itself and tell a story, all while influencing the mind of its readers.


  1. I completely agree that science fiction is certainly true literature. When you said "as we look into the text we can learn more about reality" I think you nailed it. I think a major role of literature, in general, is to help us learn about the world and, more importantly, ourselves. If there is any literary genre that accomplishes that task it is science fiction. Stories about worlds parallel to our own but still very different, definitely help us to closely examine our own world. I think science fiction really makes people think "Is this possible?"/ "could this ever be possible in our own society?" and I think that type of critical thinking is a vital cultural element.

  2. Science fiction is literature fo sheezy. The fact that it is even a question is somewhat insane to be honest, but I guess everyone is entitled to their bad opinions. That being said I'm not sure "Ender's Game" is the best example of how science fiction is literature. I'm guessing that it is probably one of the few science fiction books you have read, and it is a really good book, I'm just not sure that it is a key literary work in the science fiction community. The idea of how we have become reliant on computers isn't a main issue in Ender's Game, if an issue at all. The video game that Ender plays is important because it shows his ability, when feeling detached from reality, to be ruthless to win. This is key in the military's strategy to use video simulations, or games, to get Ender to defeat the buggers unknowingly. However, the next book in the series, "Speaker for the Dead" Ender is seen as one of the worst humans of all time, comparable to Hitler. It's amazing what a few thousand years of space travel will do to your reputation after you commit xenocide.
